Leave It To Us Bouquet
A bouquet made of beautiful seasonal flowers and foliage, chosen by our talented florists.
All you need to do is choose the colours you wish to send and whether you want them in water or without and the rest is up to us.
As a business we are trying to reduce the use of plastic, where possible, choose without water but not to worry if you want it in water.
So on that note - the picture is one we did for purpose of this option so flowers may differ as we will choose flowers that are available on the delivery date. However if you know they don’t like something, i.e. lilies, be sure to pop that in the notes section (where you put the card message).
A bouquet made of beautiful seasonal flowers and foliage, chosen by our talented florists.
All you need to do is choose the colours you wish to send and whether you want them in water or without and the rest is up to us.
As a business we are trying to reduce the use of plastic, where possible, choose without water but not to worry if you want it in water.
So on that note - the picture is one we did for purpose of this option so flowers may differ as we will choose flowers that are available on the delivery date. However if you know they don’t like something, i.e. lilies, be sure to pop that in the notes section (where you put the card message).
A bouquet made of beautiful seasonal flowers and foliage, chosen by our talented florists.
All you need to do is choose the colours you wish to send and whether you want them in water or without and the rest is up to us.
As a business we are trying to reduce the use of plastic, where possible, choose without water but not to worry if you want it in water.
So on that note - the picture is one we did for purpose of this option so flowers may differ as we will choose flowers that are available on the delivery date. However if you know they don’t like something, i.e. lilies, be sure to pop that in the notes section (where you put the card message).